Today I'm a little late in doing my challenge post, but life got in the way of work!
I'm a SAHM of two very active girls and I like to keep them busy and happy.
Today was a whirlwind day of play, school, naps, food, errands, but it was no different than any other day, and I would not change it for the world! However sometimes it means that I'm not able to get done all that I need to, but I do try.
The girls are now fed and in there pj's, and hopefully getting sleepy, so that leaves me about 2min to myself before I hear the words "mommmmmmy" or hear a loud outburst only to find my 1 year old with a HUGE smile on her face.
In the words of Scarlett O'Hara, tomorrow is another day.
This post is close to my heart as it is the invite that I used for my daughter's first birthday.
I was going to go with a teddy bear theme, but she's only 1 and I was having family over to celebrate so I decided on these super cute invites instead and I'm glad that I did.
They are cute and simple and every time I look at them, they put a smile on my face.
So I have decided to offer it to the masses! This invite is fully customizable and I have no doubt that you will be satisfied with the outcome!
I've choosen to showcase lwhelan

This is a beautiful flower corsage and there are so many other beautiful things to behold!
Enjoy your girls...great work!
thanks for the shout out Lisa!!!
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