Well I am participating in Pink Saturday. I love pink and it's also my daughter's favorite color! I hope that she will appove of my post today as it incorporates a few shades of pink and it looks fabulous hanging from our mantle. You can find more information about Pink Saturday here
What a great idea. Thank you for sharing this with us. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.
A very sweet garland! Happy Pink Saturday!
When I was growing up, my mother used to knit mittens for me every year. I didn't know what gloves were, and had no problem using my hands while they were in the mittens. The three little kittens was also a favorite book of mine. What a perfect garland, I just love it, Happy Pink Saturday, Char
I love the sweet little garland. Happy Pinks and have a lovely weekend.
Those little mittens are just darling. They make an adorable garland for the fire place...great idea!
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