Pinkys Yummy Stuff is my supply shop!
My supply shop has been doing quite well with the selling of these vintage inspired envelopes! I have them in both letter and legal size. I hope to be adding more paper remenants and other cool items as I continue to declutter my studio! I have a lot of unused items that justs gotta go!
When and if, and that's a BIG if, I ever get my studio cleand up, I'll be sure to post some pics., but until then, you'll just have to enjoy some of the spoils of my studio.
1 comment:
Hi, my fiancé (Chris MacLeavy) ordered some balloons from you on Etsy, we haven't heard from you and the weddings in a couple of weeks, we are really nervous cause they are our main decoration.
Could you please, please, please, contact us and let us know what is going on. I don't mean to seem demanding but we are really getting desperate!
Thank you.
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